申請流程 |
申請項目 |
『掛失暨補發』 |
『掛失』 |
作業流程 |
送出掛失申請後便無法取消,亦即找回遺失之學生證亦已無電子票證之功能。 掛失手續費或退費掛號郵資將自該卡儲值金中扣除。 2.自動繳費列印機繳費:完成線上申請後,至自動繳費列印機繳納學生證補發工本費200元。
手機登入『靜宜app』→MyPU 3.領取補發之學生證:請於繳費完成後之次一週星期三下午2點後(請自行留意領卡時間,不另行通知),親持身分證件至綜合業務組櫃臺(文興樓二樓)領取新辦學生證。 學生證自申請日起算,三個月內遲未至綜合業務組領取新辦學生證,基於個人資料保護法,逾期未領之學生證逕予作廢銷毀,恕不退費,亦不重新製卡,逾期提領者須重新付費申辦,不得異議,敬請配合。 |
送出掛失申請後便無法取消,亦即找回遺失之學生證亦已無電子票證之功能。 掛失手續費或退費掛號郵資將自該卡儲值金中扣除。 2.申請「掛失」者,即表示不補發學生證,請勿錯誤申請。如有申請錯誤,請至出納組(文興樓一樓)告知原因並臨櫃繳交學生證補發工本費200元→攜帶紅色繳費收據至綜合業務組(文興樓二樓)登記補發。
備註 |
2.「學生電子票證掛失退費系統」如有使用疑義,請洽綜合業務組04-26328001#11111。 |
數位學生證優惠效期及相關注意事項 |
Application for Student ID Card Lost Report, Replacement, and Refund |
Application Flowchart |
Items |
Lost Report and Replacement |
Lost Report only |
Procedure |
1. Online application: Accept iPASS and EasyCard.
Once the lost report is filed, the application cannot be cancelled. Even if the student ID card is recovered later, it would not have the e-ticket functions anymore. The fees for lost report or the registered postage for refund will be deducted from the card balance first. 2. Payment by Automatic Payment Printer: After completing the application online, make your payment of NT$200 at the Automatic Payment Printer.
Log in『靜宜app』on your cell phone→MyPU 3. Collection of new student ID card: After the payment is made, collect your new student ID by showing your personal ID after 2pm of the following Wednesday at the Div. of R&C (2F, BK Hall). (Please note: No further notice will be sent regarding pick up time.) If the new student card is not collected within three months since the application date, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law, the card will be invalidated and destroyed. No refund will be awarded; no new card will be re-issued under this application. The applicant must re-apply for the new card with no objection raised. |
1. Online application: Accept iPASS and EasyCard.
Once the lost report is filed, the application cannot be cancelled. Even if the student ID card is recovered later, it would not have the e-ticket functions anymore. The fee for lost report or the registered postage for refund will be deducted from the card balance first. 2.Applying for “Lost Report” indicates that no new student ID card will be re-issued. The applicant’s discretion is advised. |
Remarks |
1. Regarding detailed refund information, please contact:
2. For any questions with “Student e-ticket report loss and refund” System, please contact the Div. of R&C at 04-26328001, ext. 11111. |
Validity Period of Digital Student ID Card and Related Matters |