申請項目 |
紙本文件 |
電子檔案 |
學位證明書-中文正本(證書用紙) :200元/份 學位證明書-中文影本:10元/份註1 學位證明書-英文正本(證書用紙) :200元/份 學位證明書-英文正本(信箋用紙):50元/份 學位證明書-英文影本:10元/份註2 歷年成績單-中文:20元/份註3
修業(轉學)證明書-中文正本:50元/份 修業(轉學)證明書-英文正本:50元/份 |
數位證書補發-中文 :100元註4
數位證書補發-英文 :100元
申請方式 |
線上申請(郵寄) |
現場臨櫃申請/自動繳費列印機(當天取件) |
作業流程 |
2. 繳費方式:二選一。 (1)校友服務平台繳款:申請後,點選線上繳費,系統顯示完成繳費→表示申請完成。
(2)實體ATM轉帳:若無法於系統上繳費,請依據申請單上金額及繳費帳號,於實體ATM轉帳完成後,將繳費證明或收據照片檔案e-mail至綜合業務組信箱。 l e-mail:pu101b0@pu.edu.tw(紅色字為數字) l 信件主旨:『校友申請文件_姓名/系所』,請於信件中註明申請人姓名及系所名稱。 3. 郵寄時間:原則上,將於費用入帳後2個工作天內寄出。
1. 證書類文件申請:現場臨櫃辦理 (1)流程:至文興樓一樓出納組臨櫃填單並繳費→持單到二樓綜合業務組申請、取件 (2)作業時間:因紙本證書類文件需至主顧樓用印,申請證書類文件者請配合於下列用印時間30分鐘前完成繳費申請程序。 l 學期中用印時間:11:00AM、3:30PM二時段。 l 寒、暑假期間用印時間:11:00AM、2:30PM二時段。 |
2. 歷年成績單申請:自動繳費列印機 (1)91學年度以後入學之畢業校友,可使用自動繳費列印機申請歷年成績單。 (2)繳費:輸入帳號、密碼→點選申請項目、種類、份數→投幣後完成申請。 l 地點:文興樓一樓及至善樓一樓東門。 l帳號密碼:帳號_學號或身分證字號;密碼_西元出生年月日。 (3).取件
3. 委託他人代為申請,需出示委託人身分證明文件及授權書。 |
4. 申請更正姓名者:請檢附以下文件紙本郵寄至本組。 (1)【更名之戶籍謄本正本】一份:請指定「個人戶」+「只顯示更名紀錄」版本。 (2)【更名身分證正反面影本】一份。 ►如欲同步申請姓名更正後之教務文件者,需先完成本校系統姓名更正後,再登入校友服務平台線上申請。 ►如僅需異動英文名字,請直接來電或來信洽詢本組系所承辦人。 郵寄地址:433台中市沙鹿區台灣大道7段200號,綜合業務組收(請於信封寄件人處註明姓名及系所名稱)。
4. 申請更正姓名者:請檢附以下文件至綜合業務組辦理。 (1)【更名之戶籍謄本正本】一份:請指定「個人戶」+「只顯示更名紀錄」版本。 (2)【更名身分證正反面影本】一份。 |
備註 |
1. (1)請自行影印好需用印之學位證書影本 (2)郵寄以下文件至本組(不需支付費用)
郵寄地址:433台中市沙鹿區台灣大道7段200號,綜合業務組收(請於信封寄件人處註明姓名及系所名稱)。 (3)待完成後,將連同正本回寄給申請人。 2. 3.如欲申請兵役折抵之歷年成績單者,請先登入校友服務平台完成線上申請後,來電或來信通知本組承辦人後再繳費。 |
申請服務時段:配合大樓門禁開放為原則。 文興樓一樓 l 學期間:上午08:00至下午08:00 l 寒暑假期間:上午08:00至下午06:00 至善樓一樓東門 l 上午07:00至下午10:00 |
Application for Documents by Alumni (including graduates/ withdrawn students/students under suspension of studies) |
Items |
Paper documents | Electronic archives |
Certificate of Degree- Chinese (certificate paper): 200NT/copy Photocopy of Certificate of Degree- Chinese: 10NT/copy(1) Certificate of Degree- English (certificate paper): 200NT/copy Certificate of Degree- English (letter paper): 50NT/copy Photocopy of Certificate of Degree- English: 10NT/copy(2) Transcripts for All Semesters-Chinese: 20NT/copy(3) Transcripts for All Semesters-English : 40NT/copy Re-issue of Certificate of Study (for transfer)-Chinese: 50NT/copy Re-issue of Certificate of Study (for transfer)- English: 50NT/copy |
Reissuance of Digital Certificate- Chinese: 100NT(4)
Reissuance of Digital Certificate- English: 100NT
Application |
Online Application (sent by Post) |
Onsite Application/Automatic Payment Printer (same day pickup) |
Procedure |
1.Online application: Alumni (including graduates / withdrawn students / students under suspension) log in to Alumni Service Platform to fill out the application form.
2.Payment: Choose 1 (1)Alumni Service Platform: After the application is filed, click Online Payment; when the system displays Payment Complete, the application procedure is complete.
(2)Physical ATM transfer: If the fee cannot be paid on the system, please make your payment at the physical ATM according to the amount and payment account number on the application form. Then, e-mail the photo file of payment certificate or receipt to the mailbox of the Div. of R&C.
3.Mail time: As a principle, the document will be put in the mail 2 days after the payment is made.
1.Certificate application: Onsite over the counter application (1)Procedure: Go to the Cashier’s counter at 1F, BK Hall to fill out the form and make paymentàapply for and pick up the document at 2F, Div. of R&C. (2)Stamping times: As the seal on the certificate documents needs to be stamped at Providence Hall, please complete your application and make the payment 30 minutes before the stamping times listed below.
2.Transcripts application: Automatic Payment Printer (1)Alumni entered after 2002AY can apply for full transcripts on the automatic payment printer. (2)Key in your account name and passwordàclick the item, kind, copies to be applied foràinsert the coins and make the printout and pick up the document applied.
3.Application by the entrusted others: Show the identification document of the principle and the power of attorney. |
4.Application for name change. Please mail the following documents in writing to the Div. of R&C. (1)1 copy of the “Original Household Registration after name change”: please specify for individual records only, showing the records of name change. (2)1 photocopy of the “both sides of Personal ID after name change”. ►If you need to apply for name change and the academic documents after name change, please call or mail the dept. case officer at the Div. of R&C to advise of the applications , then log in to the Alumni Service Platform and complete the online application. ►If you only need to change the English name, please call or mail directly to the dept. case officer at the Div. of R&C. Mailing address: Div. of Registration and Curriculum, No. 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu, Taichung City, 433-01 (Please indicate the sender’s name and the attended dept. or institute)
4.To apply for name change: Please provide the following documents and proceed to the Div. of R&C. (1)1 copy of the “Original Household Registration after name change”: please specify individual records only, showing the records of name change . (2)1 photocopy of the “both sides of Personal ID after name change”. |
Remarks |
1. (1)please provide the photocopies of the Certificate of Degree ready for stamping. (2)mail the following documents to the Div. of R&C (no fee necessary):
Mailing address: Div. of Registration and Curriculum, No. 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu, Taichung 433-01. (Please indicate on the envelop the name of the sender and the attended dept./institute. (3)When the procedure is completed, the original copy will be returned to the applicant. 2. 3.To apply for the full transcripts with military service period deduction, please log on to the Alumni Service Platform to complete the online application; then call or write the case officer of this division.
4. |
Application service hours: Follow the building access hours. 1F, BK Hall
East Gate, 1F, Zhi Shan Hall (Student Center)