填寫畢業生資料及流向調查 登入 ※完成資料填寫後,請至職涯發展暨產業促進處-職涯發展組領取紀念品 |
列印離校手續單 登入 |
至相關單位辦理離校手續 持離校手續單至未註記「免蓋章/已完成」之單位辦理手續
領取學位證書(紙本) ※持以下文件至綜合業務組(文興樓二樓)領取學位證書
※委託代領畢業證書者,受託人需持以下文件至綜合業務組(文興樓二樓)代領學位證書 |
本校自110(1)學年度起核發數位學位證書,畢業生於完成離校手續並提領紙本學位證書後,請於規定時間下載數位學位證書 ※完成領取紙本學位證書者,由各學系承辦人於當學期教師登錄成績截止日後,隔週起每週四~五核發數位學位證書 ※寄出三個工作日內,未收到數位學位證書者請與綜合業務組各學系承辦人員聯絡
Graduation Procedure Flow Chart
Exit Annotation on Student ID
Fill in Stduent Profile and Development Survey Log in to ※After you complete filling in the information, please go to the Division of Career Development to pick up a gift.
Printout of Graduation Procedure Form Log in to ※When there is no overdue of books or fine at the Library, after the Graduation Procedure Form is printed, Luking Library will terminate the student borrowing service simultaneously. |
Graduation Procedures at the Signatory Units Complete the graduation procedures at the units didn’t bear the “Stamp Free/Completed” note.
Claim the Certificate of Degree (Hardcopy) ※Claim you Certificate of Degree at the Div. of R&C (2F BK Hall) with the following documents.
※For those who intend to entrust the collection of their diploma on the 3rd party, the trustees should Claim the Certificate of Degree at the Div. of R&C (2F BK Hall) with the following documentations.
Effective the 1st semester of 2021-22AY, Providence University issues Digital Certificate of Degree. After completing the Graduation Procedures and claim their hardcopy of Certificate of Degree, graduates can download their Digital Certificate of Degree within the stipulated timeframe. ※ After the students picked up the hardcopy of their Certificate, the Digital Certificate of Degree will be issued starting on the next Thursday and Friday after the deadline for teacher grade registration. ※If you do not receive the Digital Certificate of Degree within three working days, please contact the respective case officers at the Div. of R&C.