





  • 學生證→文興樓二樓綜合業務組或圖書館二樓蓋離校章
  • 學生證遺失登入連結e校園服務網校內其他服務學生電子票證掛失退費系統填寫掛失申請擷取掛失成功畫面或印出紙本












  • 系辦公室研究生繳交論文(版本敬依各學系規定)並歸還學位服(學士班免辦)
  • 出納組:確認有無學雜費款項
  • 軍訓室:男研究生需辦理兵役相關手續(學士班免辦)
  • 圖書館:
    1. 歸還所借資料及繳清逾期滯還金
    2. 研究生需繳交論文2(建議精裝)1張已簽署『博碩士論文電子檔案上網授權書』





  1. 學校存查用離校手續單
  2. 完成註記離校之學生證,學生證遺失者出示掛失成功之截圖或紙本及身分證
  3. 研究生需繳交論文(碩士班1冊;博士班1冊;精裝或平裝皆可) 


  1. 畢業生之學校存查用離校手續單
  2. 註記已離校之畢業生學生證,學生證遺失者出示掛失成功之截圖或紙本及畢業生之身分證
  3. 畢業生印章
  4. 連結代辦委託書(至綜合業務組→表單下載→學生使用連結學籍下載) 
  5. 受託人身分證或學生證及印章







Graduation Procedure Flow Chart

Exit Annotation on Student ID

  • Student ID à Div. of R&C at 2F BK Hall or 2F Luking Library à Stamp the Exit Seal
  • Stduent ID lost à log in to連結e-Campus service à Other services on campus à Student e-ticket report loss and refund à fill in the lost report à take a screenshot successful registration or make a printout.


Fill in Stduent Profile and Development Survey

Log in to連結e-Campus service à All e-Campus service service à Academic Affairs à Print the form of Graduate’s Leaving School Procedure à fill in the information

After you complete filling in the information, please go to the Division of Career Development to pick up a gift.

linkOperation Instructions for Print the form of Graduate's Leaving School Procedure


Printout of Graduation Procedure Form

Log in to連結e-Campus service à Print the form of Graduate’s Leaving School Procedure à Make a hardcopy of the Graduation Procedure for university record.

When there is no overdue of books or fine at the Library, after the Graduation Procedure Form is printed, Luking Library will terminate the student borrowing service simultaneously.


Graduation Procedures at the Signatory Units

Complete the graduation procedures at the units didn’t bear the “Stamp Free/Completed” note.

  • Dept. Office: The graduate students shall submit the thesis (the version is subject to the regulations of the respective department) and return the academic regalia (exempted for undergraduates).
  • Division of Bursar: Confirm no tuition and fees are in arrears.
  • Office of Military Education: Military service related procedures for male graduate students. (exempted for undergraduates).
  • LuKing Library:
    1. Double check on overdue borrowed materials and fees in arrears.
    2. Graduate students shall submit 2 copies of the thesis (hardback suggested), 1 copy of the Power of Attorney for Electronic Archives for Doctoral and Master's Thesis.

注意The upload of the Thesis shall be completed 5 days prior to the Graduation Procedures for review and the printout of the Power of Attorney.


Claim the Certificate of Degree (Hardcopy)

Claim you Certificate of Degree at the Div. of R&C (2F BK Hall) with the following documents.

  1. The university copy of the Graduation Procedures Form.
  2. The Student ID with the EXIT stamp. Students who lost their Student ID shall present the screenshot of successful lost registration or make a printout and show their personal IDs.
  3. Graduate students shall submit their Thesis (1 copy for Master’s; 1 copy for Doctoral; paperback or hardback are both acceptable.)

※For those who intend to entrust the collection of their diploma on the 3rd party, the trustees should Claim the Certificate of Degree at the Div. of R&C (2F BK Hall) with the following documentations.

  1. a print out of the “University Record” copy of the Exit Form.
  2. Student ID with EXIT stamp. Students who lost their Student ID shall present the screenshot of successful lost registration or make a printout and show their personal IDs.
  3. The personal seal of the graduates.
  4. 連結Power of Attorney (go to Div. of R&C à Form download à For students 連結Enrollment download).
  5. The personal or student ID and the seal of the trustee.


attentionMailing and Download of Digital Certificate of Degree

Effective the 1st semester of 2021-22AY, Providence University issues Digital Certificate of Degree. After completing the Graduation Procedures and claim their hardcopy of Certificate of Degree, graduates can download their Digital Certificate of Degree within the stipulated timeframe.

※ After the students picked up the hardcopy of their Certificate, the Digital Certificate of Degree will be issued starting on the next Thursday and Friday after the deadline for teacher grade registration.

※If you do not receive the Digital Certificate of Degree within three working days, please contact the respective case officers at the Div. of R&C.

連結For the Instructions of the issuance of Digital Certificate of Degree, please go to the webpage of Div. of R&C à Hot Links à Graduation à Enquiry on Digital Certificate of Degree.