














1. 填寫「家長(監護人)同意書」:至連結綜合業務組→表單下載→學生使用→休退復學→下載下載 大學部學生申辦休學家長同意書」填寫。

2. 檢附文件:

(1). 大學部學生申辦休學家長同意書一份。


3. 領取「休學程序單」(不提供下載):申請人持以上文件至文興樓二樓綜合業務組領取休學程序單。

4. 持程序單至各單位核章:本組受理申請後,請持休學程序單依序至各單位完成核章。

5. 領取「休學證明書」:將完成之程序單繳回綜合業務組,簽領「休學證明書」後即完成休學。

1. 填寫「家長(監護人)同意書」:至連結綜合業務組→表單下載→學生使用→休退復學→下載下載大學部學生申辦退學家長同意書」填寫。

2. 檢附文件:

(1). 大學部申辦退學家長同意書一份。

(2). 學生證;若學生證遺失者,請先完成線上掛失,辦理時出示掛失成功畫面



3. 領取「退學程序單」(不提供下載):申請人持以上文件至文興樓二樓綜合業務組領取退學程序單。

4. 持程序單至各單位核章:本組受理申請後,請持退學程序單依序至各單位完成核章。

5. 領取「修業(轉學)證明書」:將完成之程序單繳回綜合業務組,簽領「修業(轉學)證明書」後即完成退學。



1. 綜合業務組(文興樓二樓)領取「研究所學生辦理休學退學申請暨程序單」(不提供下載)填寫

2. 檢附文件:貼妥28元郵票信封1個。

3. 申辦學生於二日內完成休學程序單所有簽核蓋章,若於期末考前最後一個工作日辦理者,須於當日完成,並將程序單繳回綜合業務組存查;未交回綜合業務組者,視同未完成休/退學程序。



1. 凡申請休學或退學學生請交還所借之書籍、儀器及其它借用物品。

2. 因申辦學生至出納組核章的日期,涉及學雜費之有無退費或退費金額多寡,務請留意同意書上之簽核時程,以免影響個人權益。學生休/退學退費標準詳細說明請參閱連結總務處出納組學雜費專區或向出納組04-2632-8001轉11310、11312~11314洽詢。

3. 申辦休/退學之男同學若已依規定經兵役承辦人簽章且緩消資料已送兵役單位者,即不能註銷休/退學。

4. 若有任何的需求與困惑,歡迎至諮商暨健康中心(文興樓四樓)尋求專業的諮詢與協助。





6. 提醒辦理退學之學生學生證若遺失,請先登入連結e校園服務網→校內其他服務→學生電子票證掛失退費系統→填寫掛失申請→擷取掛失成功之截圖,辦理時請出示此截圖及學生身份證。






  • 檢附文件:
  • 辦理方式及時間:開學日,以郵寄方式申辦繼續休學。(辦理續休信件寄出後,請自行於3日後來電確認)
    • 郵寄地址:433台中市沙鹿區台灣大道7段200號,綜合業務組收(請於信封寄件人處註明姓名及系所名稱)


Application for Suspension/Withdrawal/Resumption of Studies


Bring the required documents to the Div. of R&C for over-the-counter processing.

重要提醒Processing suspension/withdrawal requires obtaining signatures from respective departments. Please allocate ample time to avoid being unable to complete the procedure on the same day.


Suspension of Studies

Withdrawal of Studies




1. Fill out the “Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form”: Go to 連結Div. of R&C à Download Forms à For Students à Suspension/Withdrawal/ Resumption of Studies à下載Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form – Suspension of Study.

2. Documents to be provided:

(1)One copy of the Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form – Suspension of Study.

(2)A 28NT self-stamped envelope (2 envelopes for extension of suspension and new students for notice of resumption of studies.)

3. Pick up the “Procedures for Suspension of Study for Undergraduates” (download service is not available.): Bring the above documents and go to the Div. of R&C at 2F, BK Hall to pick up the Procedure Form.

4. Acquire the required stamps from the signatory units: After this Div. accepts your application, please bring the procedure form to the signatory units and acquire the stamps required.

5. Collect the “Suspension Statement”: Return the completed Procedure Form to the Div. of R&C, sign and collect your “Suspension Statement”; the procedure is then complete.

1. Fill out the “Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form”: Go to the 連結Div. of R&C à Download Forms à Students à Suspension/ Withdraw/ Resumption of Studies/ à下載 Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form – Withdrawal of Study

2. Documents to be provided:

(1)One copy of the Parental (Guardian’s) Consent Form – Withdrawal of Study.

(2)Student ID.

(3)A 28NT self-stamped envelope. 

    In case of rush hours of the Div. or during mainframe maintenance period of the University, the Div. shall mail the Certificate of “Studies (Transfer) Statement” later upon completion. If all procedures can be completed on the same day, there is no need to include this stamped envelope.

3. Pick up the “Procedures for Withdrawal of Study for Undergraduates” (download service is not available.): Bring the above documents and go to the Div. of R&C at 2F, BK Hall to pick up the Procedure Form.

4. Acquire the required stamps from the signatory units: After this Div. accepts your application, please bring the procedure form to the signatory units and acquire the stamps required.

5. Collect the “Studies (Transfer) Statement”: Return the completed Procedure Form to the Div. of R&C, sign and collect your “Studies (Transfer) Statement”; the procedure is then complete.



1. Go to Div. of R&C (2F, BK Hall) à pick up the Application & Procedure for Suspension/ Withdrawal of Studies for Graduate Students (download service is not available.)

2. Documents to be provided: A 28NT self-stamped envelope.

3. The applicant should complete all required stamps from the signatory units within two working days. If the application is initiated on the last working day prior to the Final Exam, the procedure needs to be completed on the same day and return the Procedure Form to the Div. of R&C for records. Failed to return the form to the Div. of R&C on the same day would result in an incomplete application for Suspension/Withdrawal of Studies.

The procedure is the same as those for suspension of studies.


1. Students applying for suspension or withdrawal of studies should return all items borrowed: book, instrument, etc.

2. The signatory date the applicant acquired from the Cashier’s involves the refund of the tuition and fees; students are reminded to pay attention to the signatory date on the Consent Form to safeguard your own interests. For details on the refund policies, please refer to the 連結Tuition & Fees, Cashier’s, Office of General Affairs or contact Cashier’s office at 04-2632-8001, ext. 11310, 11312~11314.

3. The male students applying for Suspension/Withdrawal of Studies cannot cancel their application for suspension or withdrawal of studies once their applications have been signed by the military service personnel and the documents have been forwarded to the military service units.

4. If you need assistance on your need or confusion, please approach the Counseling and Health Center (at 4F, BK Hall) for professional counseling and assistance.

5. If you intend to entrust a third party to handle the matter, the trustee should bring the following documents to the Div. of R&C (2F BK Hall) for handling

(1)Documents to be provided.

(2)連結Power of Attorney (go to Div. of R&C/Form download/For students/連結Enrollment).

(3)A valid photo ID of the trustee and the student ID of the student.

6. Stduent ID lostàlog in to e-Campus service à Other services on campus à Student e-ticket report loss and refund à fill in the lost report à take a screenshot successful registration or make a printout.


of Studies

One month prior to the expiry of suspension, the Notice for Resumption of Studies will be put in the mail (also announced on the Div. of R&C webpage連結). Students are required to follow the instructions to proceed with the procedure for resumption, extension of suspension, or withdrawal of studies.

Extended Suspension of Studies

1. If a student failed to return to study as scheduled and the accumulated suspension period during the enrollment does not exceed two academic years (excluding the suspension periods due to pregnancy, child care, and military service), they may apply for continued suspension of studies.

  • Documents to be provided:
  • Processing method and time: Before the first day of school, apply for continued suspension of studies by mail. After sending the letter for continued suspension, please call us to confirm three days later.
    • Mailing address: Div. of Registration and Curriculum, No. 200, Sec. 7, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu, Taichung City, 433-01 (Please indicate the sender’s name and the attended dept. or institute)

2. For the male students who have to continue the suspension due to military service, in addition to the above-mentioned requirements, photocopies of the Military Service Order and both sides of Military ID Card shall be attached to have the period of military service excluded from the accumulated period granted for the suspension of studies.
