









1. 下載申請單:至連結綜合業務組→表單下載→學生使用→學籍→下載下載在校生更改姓名/身分證字號申請單

2. 檢附文件:




3. 申請人持以上文件至文興樓二樓綜合業務組臨櫃辦理。

1. 下載申請單:至連結綜合業務組→表單下載→學生使用→學籍→下載下載在校生更改地址申請單」。

2. 檢附文件:

(1). 在校生更改地址申請單一份


(3). 變更戶籍地址者:提供身分證供核對(現場歸還)。

3. 申請人持以上文件至文興樓二樓綜合業務組臨櫃辦理。


1. 為維護同學自身權益,申請更改姓名完成後,請同學務必主動持申請單向本學期各授課教師知會更名訊息!

2. 更名後需自費(200元)申辦學生證換發。

l 學生證換發依連結學生證掛失/補發/退費」程序辦理。



Change of Name/Personal ID Number/Address


Bring the application form and the required documents to the Div. of R&C for over-the-counter processing upon request.

Change items

Change of Name/Personal ID Number

Change of Address


1. Download the application form: Go to連結Div. of R&C à Download Forms à for Students à Enrollment à下載 Application for Name/Personal ID Number Change by Current Students

2. Documents to be attached:

(1).One copy of the Application for Name/Personal ID Number Change by Current Students

(2).Original copy of the Household Registration Record after name change (not required for change of personal ID no.)

(3).Provide Personal ID for verification (returned onsite).

3.The applicant shall bring the above documents to the counter of the Div. of R&C at 2F, BK Hall.

1. Download the application form: Go to連結Div. of R&CàDownload Formsàfor Studentsà Enrollmentà 下載Application for Address Change by Current Students.

2. Documents to be attached:

(1).One copy of the Application for Address Change by Current Students.

(2).To change the mailing address: fill out the Parental Consent Statement on the Application Form and have it signed and stamped by the Parent.

(3).To change the residence address: provide your Personal ID for verification (returned onsite).

3. The applicant shall bring the above documents to the counter of Div. of R&C at 2F, BK Hall.


1. To safeguard your own rights and interests, after the name change procedure is completed, the student shall take the initiative and inform the teachers of the current semester of the change evidenced by the application form.

2. After the name change, there is a 200NT renewal fee for the new student ID at your own expense.
