
【考試】113學年度第1學期期末考試相關事宜(統一會考座位表公告)Final Exam of 2024-25AY 1st Semester


教務處綜合業務組  通知




  1. 本學期期末考週於1131223日至1131227日舉行,理/管理學院期末統一會考為1131221()1222()二天;各科隨班考試時間、地點依授課教師公告為準。
  2. /管理學院期末統一會考各科考試日期、節次、地點,詳如期末統一會考節次表(附件一)。衝堂考教室安排於任垣樓510教室,請衝堂學生務必依調整後考試時間準時到任垣510教室應考,衝堂學生名單詳見附件二。
  3. 考試當日學生應提早抵達試場,並依照試場公布座位入座,不得更換座位,如有遺漏,應聽從監試人員指示入座;為方便學生知悉試場座位,統一會考座位表於考試前一日19:00前公布於綜合業務組網頁→校內考試→統一會考(附件三),敬請學生務必上網查看,避免考試當日入場壅塞。
  4. 依據本校學生考試規則規定:學生進入試場,須攜帶學生證以備查驗
  5. 非關考試用品請放置試場前後(不得放置座位底下),考試時3C電子產品一律關機(考科如允許使用之計算機、電子辭典除外)
  6. 學生須作答在規定的試卷上,不得有抄襲、傳遞、夾帶、頂替、偽造證件混入試場或其他作弊情事,如經發覺,除該科當次考試成績以零分計算外,並移請學生事務處議處之。
  7. 學生不得將答案卷攜出場外,違者該科當次考試成績以零分計。
  8. 交卷後應立即離開試場,不得逗留場內、試場周邊或高聲喧嘩,違者將以違規扣分處理。
  9. 統一會考考試當日各樓試場皆設有巡堂人員(穿著靜宜大學背心),如遇有偶發事件可洽巡堂人員。
  10. 隨函檢附靜宜大學學生考試規則(附件四)並公佈於統一會考各試場內,考試各項相關規定依此規則辦理。
  11. 依據本校學生考試請假及補考辦法規定:考試請假需至e校園服務網學生請假系統辦理。事假需於考試日前一日完成申請,其他假別至遲須於該科考試結束三日內提出申請。期末考試經任課教師同意後,由任課教師審核補考方式。考試請假假單線上完成申請時,務必主動聯繫任課教師,並隨時檢視假單是否已完成簽核考試請假及補考相關事宜請參閱靜宜大學學生考試請假及補考辦法(附件五)
  12. 考試請假線上申請補考,經任課教師審核為『統一補考』者,即為由綜合業務組協助安排補考。本學期綜合業務組安排之期末筆試統一補考時間於114114()上午10:00舉行當日排定補考之學生請先至綜合業務組(文興二樓)報到,逾期未參加考試者,該次考試成績以零分計算;因不可抗力特殊事故或重病住院,無法於公佈日期參加考試補考者,最遲得延至次學期開學日前三天補考。
  13. 煩請各學系秘書、國際事務處協助轉知外籍學生、陸籍學生、交換學生週知。










Division of Registration and Curriculum Notice

Date: December 20, 2024

Subject: Final Exam of 2024-25AY 1st Semester


  1. The Final Exam of the semester is scheduled to be held from December 23 to December 27, 2024. Group Exams are scheduled to be on Saturday, December 21 and Sunday December 22, 2024. The time and venue of the respective in-class exams shall be subject to the announcement of the course instructors.
  1. The dates, sessions, venues of the respective group exams are listed in the “Final Group Exam Session Table (Attachment 1). The exam classroom is arranged in Room 510 of Anthony Kuo Hall for students who have a conflict of exam schedule. The said students must go to Room 510 of Anthony Kuo Hall to take the exams according to the “adjusted” test time. Attachment 2 is a list of students with conflict of test schedule.
  2. On the day of exam, students should arrive the test venue early and take their assigned seats announced on the seat plan on site. No seat-changing is allowed. Should there be any missing seat assignment, students should follow the instructions of the test monitor. A seating chart (Attachment 3) will be announced on the webpage of Div. of R&C (Div. of R&C à On-campus exams à Group Exams) before 19:00 the day before the scheduled exam. Please find your seating information online in advance to avoid congestion at the test venue.
  3. As it is stipulated of PU Regulations on Examination, upon entering the test room, students must present their student IDs for verification.
  4. Non-test related items shall be placed in the front or back of the test room (not under the seat), and 3C products must be turned off during the test (except for the calculator or e-dictionaries that are allowed by the test subject instructor).
  5. Students must put their answers on the designated answer sheets. No copying, passing of crib sheet, carrying of crib sheet, impersonation, nor entering the test rooms with forged ID or any attempted deception are allowed. Any violation shall result in a mark of “Zero” for the exam in question; the student in question will also be forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs for discipline.
  6. Students are not allowed to take the answer sheets out of the text room. Any violation shall result in a mark of “Zero” for the exam in question.
  7. Students should leave the test room immediately upon turning in the exam papers and should not stay on site or in the nearby area, nor making noises.
  8. On the day of Group Exams, there are patrollers (wearing a PU vest) near the exam venues of each building. Contact the patrollers for any incidences that require attention.
  9. PU Regulations on Examinations are attached (Attachment 4) and published in every Group Exam room. The exam related matters are subject to these regulations.
  10. As it is stipulated of PU Regulations on Leave of Absence for Exams and Taking Make-up Exams, students should file their application at the Leave Application on e-Campus. For personal leave, the application must be filed 1 day prior to the exam; for other types of leave, it should be filed within 3 days after the exam was administered. For Final Exam, the student should acquire the approval of the course instructor to arrange the time for a make-up exam. Please be sure to contact your instructor when your online application for exam leave is complete and check to see if your leave slip has been validated by your instructor. To apply for an exam leave and a make-up exam, refer to Regulations on Leave of Absence for Exams and Taking Make-up Exams (Appendix 5).
  11. Applying for exam leave online and expressing a desire for a makeup exam, if approved by the course instructor as a “Group Make-up Exam”, signifies that Div. R&C is in charge of arranging the makeup exam. The Final “Group Make-up Exam” is schedule begin at 10:00am, Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Please report to Div. of R&C (2F, Bisho Kupfer Hall) on the same day. Those who failed to take the exam on time will receive a grade “Zero” for the subject. Those who are prevented from taking the make-up exam as scheduled due to force majeure or severe illness can postpone the missed exams to three days before the beginning of the following semester at the latest. Other information on exam leave and make-up exams, please refer to Regulations on Leave of Absence for Exams and Taking Make-up Exams (Attachment 4).
  12. The secretaries of the respective departments and the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs are requested to kindly convey the matter to the Foreign Students, Mainland China Students, and Exchange Students in their units.

Examination related information:

Attachment 1: link Final Group Exam Session Table for 2024-25AY 1st semester

Attachment 2:link List of students with conflict of Final Group Exam schedule for 2024-25AY 1st semester

Attachment 3: linkSeating Plans for December 21. linkSeating Plans for December 22.

Attachment 4: linkPU Regulations on Examination

Attachment 5: linkPU Regulations on Leave of Absence for Exams and Taking Make-up Exams

Case Officer: Chen, Pei-Ling

e-mail: plchen@pu.edu.tw

Phone: 04-26328001 ext. 11111

