【考試】113學年度第1學期資訊應用概論期末會考改採報告形式Group Final Exam of Introduction to Information Technology Applications for the 1st Semester of 2024-25AY Changed to Report Submission
教務處綜合業務組 通知
- 配合資訊應用概論課程規劃,113學年度第1學期資訊應用概論期末會考評量形式調整為撰寫報告,以取代原定之線上考試。
- 期末報告撰寫要求與報告繳交截止時間,請依任課教師指示辦理。
- 若有任何疑問,請同學主動聯繫任課教師,以確保順利完成期末評量。
承 辦 人:陳佩菱
Division of Registration and Curriculum Notice
Date: December 12,, 2024
Subject: Group Final Exam of Introduction to Information Technology Applications for the 1st Semester of 2024-25AY Changed to Report Submission.
- In accordance with the course planning for Introduction to Information Technology Applications, the final assessment format for the first semester of the 2024-25AY has been changed from an online exam to a report writing assignment.
- The requirements for the final report and the submission deadline will be provided by the course instructor. Please follow their instructions accordingly.
- If students have any questions, please contact the course instructor proactively to ensure successful completion of the final assessment.
Case Officer: Chen, Pei-Ling
e-mail: plchen@pu.edu.tw
Phone: 886-4-26328001 ext. 11111