
【考試】113學年度第1學期資訊應用概論期中會考相關事宜Group Midterm Exam of Introduction to Information Technology Applications


教務處綜合業務組  通知




  1. 本學期資訊應用概論期中會考訂於1131031()下午15:10起舉行,各班級考試時間、地點詳如資訊應用概論期中會考試場分配表(附件一或至綜合業務組網頁→校內考試→資訊應用概論會考查詢)
  2. 考試如有衝堂、事假需申請補考者,請於1131030()中午12:00前至綜合業務組(文興樓二樓)登記,期中補考訂於113111()中午12:10舉行,未登記補考者將不予考試。如因病假無法出席當天考試及補考者,請務必主動聯繫任課教師,由任課教師安排時間補考。
  3. 考試當日學生應準時進入試場,並依照試場公布座位入座,不得更換座位,如有遺漏,應聽從監試人員指示入座。
  4. 依據本校學生考試規則規定:學生進入試場,須攜帶學生證以備查驗
  5. 非關考試用品請放置試場前後(不得放置座位底下),考試時3C電子產品一律關機。
  6. 考試採線上測驗(玩課雲WowClass平台)測驗需以校園帳號及密碼登入,請務必於測驗前知道並牢記。於考試開始後,若有因校園帳號密碼忘記導致無法登入系統進行考試者,需於當節考試未結束前主動向監試人員說明原因後,自行離開試場至試務老師處提出補考申請,未申請者將不予補考。
  7. 考試開始5分鐘後不得入場考試不得提前繳卷離開試場。未離開試場前,不得瀏覧網頁、交談,違反者依考試違規處理。
  8. 學生必須作答在規定的電腦試卷上,不得有抄襲、傳遞、夾帶或其他作弊情事,如經發覺,除該科當次考試成績以零分計算外,並移請學生事務處議處之。
  9. 考試結束後請速由計中1樓或3樓離場(2樓管制只能進不能出)切勿於教室及走廊逗留,以免下一梯次同學入場造成人潮擁擠。
  10. 隨函檢附靜宜大學學生考試規則(附件二)並公佈於各試場內,除入場、離場時間依說明第三點規定外,其餘考試各項相關規定依此規則辦理。







Division of Registration and Curriculum Notice

Date: October 17,, 2024

Subject: Group Midterm Exam of Introduction to Information Technology Applications for the 1st Semester of 2024-25AY


  1. The group Midterm Exam for Introduction to Information Technology Applications (ITITA) is scheduled to be held at 15:10, Thursday, October 31, 2024. Please refer to test venues assignment chart of ITITA (Attachment 1 or go to the website of Div. of R&C à On-campus exams à ITITA Exams).
  2. If a make-up exam is called for due to conflict of exam schedule or personal leave, the subject students shall register at the Div. of R&C by 12:00 noon, Wednesday, October 30, 2024 to schedule the make-up exam time. Students who do not register for the makeup exam will not be permitted to take the exam. The makeup exam for Introduction to Information Technology Applications (ITITA) is scheduled to be held at 12:10, Friday, November 1, 2024. If unable to attend the exam on the scheduled day and the makeup exam due to illness, make sure to contact the course instructor directly for arranging a makeup exam.
  3. On the day of exam, students should arrive the test venue early and take their assigned seat announced on the seat plan on site. No seat-changing is allowed. Should there be any missing seat assignment, students should follow the instructions of the test monitor.
  4. As it is stipulated of PU Regulations on Examination, upon entering the test room, students must present their student IDs for verification.
  5. Non-test related items shall be placed in the front or back of the test room (not under the seat), and 3C products must be turned off during the test.
  6. The test will be taken online (WowClass platform), and the test requires a PU account and password to log in. Please make sure you are aware this note before the test and keep it in mind. If a student is unable to log into the system to take the exam due to forgetting their campus account password after the start of the examination, they must proactively inform the invigilator of the reason and voluntarily leave the examination room before the current exam session concludes. They should then proceed to the examination staff to submit an application for a makeup exam. Students who fail to submit an application will not be eligible for a makeup exam.
  7. Five minutes after the start of the exam, no admission is allowed. No early submission of the exam and exit are allowed. Before leaving the test venue, students should not browse the webpage nor talk to each other. Violators shall face the penalty for breaching exam regulations.
  8. Students must put their answers on the designated answer sheets. No copying, passing of crib sheet, carrying of crib sheet, impersonation, nor entering the test rooms with forged ID or any attempted deception are allowed. Any violation shall result in a mark of “Zero” for the exam in question; the student in question will also be forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs for discipline.
  9. After the exam, please exit quickly from the 2nd or 3rd floors (2nd floor is reserved for entry only). Do not linger around the classrooms or corridor to avoid traffic congestion against the entering students.
  10. Attached is the PU Regulations on Examinations (Attachment 2) which will also be posted at the test venues. Except for the times for entry and exit follow the instruction of this Notice, other exam related issues are subject to the Regulations on Examinations.

xam related information:

Attachment 1:連結 Final Test Venues Assignment Chart of ITITA for 2024-25AY 1st semester

Attachment 2: 連結PU Regulations on Examinations

Case Officer: Chen, Pei-Ling

e-mail: plchen@pu.edu.tw

Phone: 886-4-26328001 ext. 11111

