為製作英文學位證書,煩請同學上網填寫你個人正確的英譯名字,格式請填寫如範例(例如:王珮君 Wang, Pei-Chun 請留意大小寫,每個拚音第一個字母為大寫 ),亦可依護照上之英譯名填寫,資料填寫及最後檢查截止日期為113/04/30,每位應屆畢業生務必詳細填寫並仔細檢查。逾期修訂或重印英文學位證書者,需自行負擔工本費新台幣200元,敬請配合。
綜合業務組 113/03/29
Dear Student
Please provide online the correct English translation of your name to facilitate the production of the English Certificate of Degree. Please fill in the information following the format in the example (e.g., 王珮君 Wang, Pei-Chun. Keep the first letter of each word in upper case) or use the name on your passport. The deadline for providing and final check of your name is Aprilr 30, 2024. A late revision or reprint of the English Certificate of Degree will incur a cost of NT$200.
The filing and operation steps are as follows. Contact the Div. of R&C at ext. 11112-11122 if you have any questions.
Step 1: Go to e-Campus service
Step 2: Select “All e-Campus service”àAcademic AffairsàStudent Information Confirmed platform
Step 3: Complete filling your name in English
Div. of R&C March 29, 2024