【校際選課】提醒:參加校際選課學生重要事項Reminder on Cross-university Course Registration


一、 如欲申請停修課程申請休學者,請自行留意本校及對方學校規定作業時間,並請於完成停修作業或完備本校休學程序後,告知任課教師以及校際選課(對方)學校教務處週知。停修如有告知將避免成績出現0分

二、 本校選課辦法及停修相關規定請參閱靜宜大學學生選課辦法第二十一條條文

三、 相關疑問,煩請聯絡靜宜大學教務處綜合業務組廖小姐(04-26328001轉11112)。 


You applied for cross-university course registration this semester. This a reminder on a few important things: 

1.  If you want to apply for course suspension or suspension of studyplease pay attention to the deadlines stipulated by this University and the visiting universityPlease inform the teaching instructor and the Office of Study of the visiting school after completing the suspension procedures to avoid a score of 0 marked for your grade.

2.  For the related regulations on course registration and course suspension, please refer to Article 21 of Regulations on Course Registration.

3.  For any questions, please contact Ms. Liao of the Div. of R&C at the Office of Study at 04-26328001 ext. 11112. 

November 15, 2022