【畢業】1102研究生畢業離校修業年限因疫情調整-Adjustments on Graduation and Years of Studies due to Epidemic for Graduate Students of 2021-22AY 2nd Semester






  1. 學生至遲於111831日前提出口試申請。
  2. 研究生於111930日前通過學位考試及完成離校手續者,視為110學年度第2學期畢業生,學校免收取學雜費。
  3. 倘未能於111930日前完成畢業離校者,則視同延畢,應依學校規定補繳111學年度第1學期學雜費。


Adjustments on Graduation and Years of Studies due to Epidemic

for Graduate Students of 2021-22AY 2nd Semester

In accordance with the MOE letter of June 15, 2022, ref. no.: 1112202563, the graduate students meeting the following circumstances due to epidemic may file their application.

A. Expiry of Years of Study

The graduate students whose maximum years of study will expire at the end of the 2021-22AY 2nd Semester and whose studies are affected by the epidemic can file special applications with specific statement of reasons prior to August 31, 2022. Subject to the approval of Provost, the years of study can be extended for ONE semester.

B. Applying for deferral of degree examination: (Please apply to the respective Advisors and the pertinent departments.)

  1. Students should apply for Oral Defense no later than August 31, 2022.
  2. Graduate students who pass their degree examination and compete their graduation procedure prior to September 30, 2022 will be regarded as the graduates of the 2021-22AY 2nd Semester. No additional tuition or fees will be charged.
  3. The students who fail to complete their graduation procedure and leave before September 30, 2022 will be considered to have deferred their graduation and should pay the tuition and fees for the 2022-23AY 1st Semester according to the University regulations.

C. The Master’s Program students who are admitted to the Doctoral Programs can file the Affidavit for Late Submission of Academic Certificates and register for admission first. However, for those who fail to submit the academic certificates prior to September 30, 2022, their admission qualifications will be revoked in accordance with the University regulations.