申請項目 |
104學年度起,學生證已免加蓋註冊章,同學如需在學證明,申請方式如下: 1.中文版在學證明:10元/份 2.英文版在學證明:50元/份 3.學生證正反面影本加蓋註冊章:免費,臨櫃辦理。
申請方式 |
自動繳費列印機(現場立即取件) |
線上申請(隔2個工作天到校取件) |
作業流程 |
1. 91學年度以後入學之在校生或畢業校友,可使用自動繳費列印機申請。 2. 輸入帳號、密碼→點選申請項目、種類、份數→投幣後即可列印、取件。 l 地點: 『全功能列印自動化繳費機』:文興樓一樓及至善樓一樓東門 『教務文件自動列印POS系統』:主顧樓一樓 l 帳號密碼:帳號_學號或身分證字號;密碼_出生年月日。 全功能成績列印自動化繳費機服務項目及操作說明(或至出納組/資源服務查詢) |
1. 在校生登入e校園服務網→各類系統功能→教務→申請教務文件→選擇『在學證明書』。 2. 線上網路申請為「即時扣款」系統。 3. 申請暨付款完成後,於2個工作天後,持申請人之學生證至文興樓二樓綜合業務組櫃台領取。 本組無提供郵寄服務 |
申請說明 |
申請服務時段:配合大樓門禁開放為原則。 文興樓一樓 l 學期間:上午08:00至下午08:00 l 寒暑假期間:上午08:00至下午06:00 至善樓一樓東門 l 上午07:00至下午10:00 |
Items |
Effective 2015-16AY, the registration stamp is no longer required on the Student ID. If a student needs a certificate of study, please proceed as follows: 1. School Status Certificate-Chinese: 10NT/copy 2.School Status Certificate-English: 50NT/copy 3. A “Registered” stamp on Student ID: Free of charge. Handling at the counter.
Methods |
Automatic Payment Printer (pick up on site) |
Online application (pick up after 2 working days) |
Procedure |
1.Alumni entered after 2002AY can apply for transcripts on the automatic payment printer. 2.Key in your account name and password à click the item, kind, copies to be applied for à insert the coins and make the printout and pick up the document applied.
Automatic Payment Machine Instructions (or enquire at the Cashier’s/Resource Service). This Div. doesn’t accept over-the-counter application. |
1. Enrolled current students can log in toe-Campus service à All e-Campus service à Academic Affairs à Application for Transcript, School Status Certificate, Student ID Card Replacement à fill out the application form. 2.Online application is an “instant debit” system. 3. 2 working days after the application is completed, bring the applicant’s students ID card to the Div. of R&C to collect the applied documents. |
Descriptions |
Application service hours: Follow the building access hours. 1F, BK Hall
East Gate, 1F, Zhi Shan Hall (Student Center)